About Me
I’m Sonali Sudarshi, a yoga teacher and GP, based in Little Chalfont.
I have been practicing yoga for many years, yet feel challenged every time I am on the mat as there is always more to discover. My own preference has evolved from a fast paced yoga practice, to one where I spend more time in poses and explore the space created as the posture is held and the breath unfolds. There is fluid movement with transitions between poses but both in my own practice and my teaching, the rhythm and pace have become slower and more mindful.
As a general practitioner, my medical training has been scientific, evidence laden and population based. I am keen not to make any unfounded claims about how yoga can help health. It is an individual, experiential practice and for me the beauty comes in self discovery and understanding as one becomes more attuned to the body and breath. I believe that this can be mentally and physically beneficial to anyone who chooses to practice, irrespective of age, gender, shape, fitness or previous experience.
I lived in India at a young age and some of the yoga traditions were imbibed subconsciously. However, with age comes the ability to question and deepen understanding and I find that yoga has a striking relevance in a modern context. I hope I bring this into the yoga practice with an openness that encourages further enquiry.
I have trained at Triyoga in London with Anna Ashby and Tony Watson and am ever grateful to the creativity, generosity and lucidity of their teaching.
Triyoga’s yoga teacher training diploma (350+ hrs) is fully recognised and accredited by the British Wheel of Yoga, Yoga Alliance Professionals (Yoga Alliance UK) and the Yoga Alliance USA. I have also undertaken Restorative Yoga Teacher Training.
If you have any questions about yoga or anything else then please don’t hesitate to contact me.